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Fractions – Quantitative Aptitude

Quantitative Aptitude – Fractions

Fractions - Quantitative AptitudeFractions represents as the part of a whole number. It shows, how many equal parts are there in that whole number. We use two numbers to write a fraction. One line separate these two numbers, like 1/4. The upper number or top number represents the number of parts and lower number or bottom number represents the total number of parts.

So, in examination you will get two to three questions from fraction chapter. Therefore, prepare this chapter very well. Now, we will discuss few types of fractions –

Types of Fractions

  • Simple Fraction:

    The most simplest form of fraction is Simple Fraction. And, it’s written as x/y , where x and y both are integers. x is called numerator and y is called denominator.

  • Decimal Fraction:

    In Decimal Fraction, numbers are written like 0.50, 0.25, 0.70 etc. These numbers are not separated by any separator, but you can convert these fraction as simple fraction. A decimal number 0.50 can be written in decimal fraction as 1/2.

  • Proper Fraction:

    A fraction is said to be a Proper Fraction if numerator is less than denominator. For example, 1/2, 5/7, 13/20 etc.

  • Improper Fraction:

    A fraction is said to be a Improper Fraction if numerator is bigger than denominator. For example, 4/3, 9/7, 31/23 etc.

  • Mixed Fraction:

    A mixed fraction is a combination of two numbers. One of them is an integer number (non zero) and another one is a proper fraction. And, we write a mixed fraction as 31/2 . It’s actually the sum of two different numbers. When we write mixed fraction numbers, we do not add ‘+’ operator. So, 31/2 is actually 3 + 1/2.

  • Complex Fractions:

    Complex Fraction is a combination of Proper Improper fraction or Mixed fraction or both.


Few Examples to Test your Fractions learnings:

Example #1

An integer number is 15 more than it's 3/4th part. Find out the integer number.

A. 15
B. 30
C. 45
D. 60

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Correct Answer is: 60 [Option D].

How to Solve:
So, in this example we need to form the equation and find out the value of that equation.

Let, the integer number be X.
So, according to the question we get,
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or, Fractions Tricks

so, Aptitude tricks of Fractions

or, Aptitude tricks of Fractions

or, Fractions for Competitive exams

So, the integer number is 60.

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Example #2

If a fraction is divided by it's reciprocal and then it multiplied by the original fraction, we get the result Aptitude tricks of Fractions. Find out the fraction.

A. 8/3
B. 11/3
C. 11/5
D. 11/9

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Correct Answer is: 11/3 [Option B].

How to Solve:
So, in this example we need to form the equation and find out the value of that equation.

Let, the resulting fraction is X.
So, according to the question we get,
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or, Aptitude tricks of Fractions

or, Fractions for Competitive exams

So, the original fraction here is 11/3.

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Example #3

Evaluate the expression:
Aptitude tricks of Fractions

A. 1.34
B. 1.83
C. 3.17
D. 5

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Correct Answer is: 5 [Option D].

How to Solve:
Fractions Tricks
So, in this example we need to evaluate the expression and find the value.

And, here we need to apply some basic formula to get the value. You can also use the conventional way of evaluating the value. But, it will be very quick if you use basic math formula.

Let, Fractions Aptitude tricks is a and Fractions Aptitude tricks is b.
Fractions Tricks

or, Aptitude tricks of Fractions

or, Fractions Tricks

so, Fractions

or, Fractions Tricks

or, Fractions for Competitive exams

so, Fractions for Competitive exams

or, 5

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Example #4

Arrange the fractions in their ascending order:
3/5, 2/9, 5/8, 1/3

A. 3/5 < 5/8 < 2/9 < 1/3
B. 5/8 < 2/9 < 3/5 < 1/3
C. 2/9 < 1/3 < 3/5 < 5/8
D. 5/8 < 3/5 < 1/3 < 2/9

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Correct Answer is: 2/9 < 1/3 < 3/5 < 5/8 [Option C].

How to Solve:
3/5, 2/9, 5/8, 1/3
So, in this example we need to find out the decimal fraction of every value. And, then compare the decimal value with every other fraction.

So, Decimal fraction of these fractions are:
3/5 = 0.600
2/9 = 0.222
5/8 = 0.625
1/3 = 0.333

Therefore, from the decimal value we can clearly arrange these fractions into their ascending order-
2/9 < 1/3 < 3/5 < 5/8

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Example #5

Between Fractions for Competitive exams and Fractions which equation is greater?

A. First Equation
B. Second Equation
C. Both are Equal
D. Can't Determine

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Correct Answer is: Both are Equal [Option C].

How to Solve:
In this example we need to find out value of both the equations.

So, from the first equation we get,
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or, Fractions

And, from the first equation we get,

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or, Fractions Tricks

So, no one is greater. Both equations are equal.

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Example #6

Arrange the fractions in their descending order:
3/11, 2/15, 7/18, 4/13

A. 4/13 > 7/18 > 2/15 > 3/11
B. 3/11 > 2/15 >7/18 > 4/13
C. 2/15 > 3/11 > 4/13 > 7/18
D. 7/18 > 4/13 > 3/11 > 2/15

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Correct Answer is: 7/18 > 4/13 > 3/11 > 2/15 [Option D].

How to Solve:
3/11, 2/15, 7/18, 4/13
So, in this example we need to find out the decimal fraction of every value. And, then compare the decimal value with every other fraction.

So, Decimal fraction of these fractions are:
3/11 = 0.272
2/15 = 0.133
7/18 = 0.388
4/13 = 0.307

Therefore, from the decimal value we can clearly arrange these fractions into their descending order-
7/18 > 4/13 > 3/11 > 2/15

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Example #7

Which number is largest here:
1/2, 3/5, 5/7, 3/4

A. 1/2
B. 3/5
C. 5/7
D. 3/4

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Correct Answer is: 3/4 [Option D].

How to Solve:
1/2, 3/5, 5/7, 3/4
So, in this example we need to find out the decimal fraction of every value. And, then compare the decimal value with every other fraction.

So, Decimal fraction of these fractions are:
1/2 = 0.500
3/5 = 0.600
5/7 = 0.714
3/4 = 0.750

Therefore, from the decimal value we can say that 3/4 is the largest number among these numbers.

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Example #8

Rony gets a job to paint 3/4th part of a wall. He then divide the working area into few equal parts of 1/8 each. How many parts did he divide?

A. 2
B. 4
C. 6
D. 9

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Correct Answer is: 6 [Option C].

How to Solve:
In this example we need to form the equation and find out the value of that equation.

So, according to the question,
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or, Fractions Aptitude tricks

So, Rony divide 6 equal parts of 3/4th part of that wall.

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Example #9

Which fraction here is equivalent to 13/37?

A. 78/185
B. 78/259
C. 91/259
D. 91/296

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Correct Answer is: 91/259 [Option C].

How to Solve:
So, in this example we need to find out the fraction multiple value of 13/37.

So, for this we need to divide each option with the question fraction. And, the option which gave us the result 1, that would be our choice.

or, Fractions for Competitive exams

or, Fractions for Competitive exams This is not the correct option

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or, Aptitude tricks of Fractions

or, Fractions Tricks This is also not the correct option

Fractions Tricks

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or, Aptitude tricks of Fractions

or, Fractions Aptitude tricks This is the correct option

So, the fraction equivalent to 13/37 is 91/259.

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Example #10

Find the missing value in the expression.
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A. 1/6
B. 1/3
C. 1/4
D. 1/8

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Correct Answer is: 1/6 [Option A].

How to Solve:
Fractions Tricks
In this example we need to find the missing fraction.

So, by evaluating the expression we get,
Fractions for Competitive exams

or, Fractions for Competitive exams

or, Fractions for Competitive exams

so, Fractions Tricks

or, Fractions

or, Aptitude tricks of Fractions

Therefore, the missing number in this expression is, 1/6.

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So, if you need any farther help on Fractions, then please let us know. And, definitely we will discuss on those problems here in

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